© Universal Gymnasts, Inc. 2025

UGI Purpose

Our goal at Universal Gymnasts, Inc. is to develop each individual’s potential in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Using specific progressions and a highly trained staff, each child will learn the correct fundamental and basic skills. This will equip him/her with the knowledge and ability to progress to whatever level he/she aspires to achieve. As Safety Certified Instructors/Coaches, we will use our knowledge and expertise to help each child gain greater self-confidence and a more positive self- image.

U.G.I. Provides

USA Gymnastics Safety Certified Staff. Safe Sport Certified Background checks on all staff. Directors certified by the American Heart Association in CPR. Safe, conservatively run facility for your child. Convenient times for all levels! Observation in air-conditioned 2nd Floor. Preschool Open Gym: Closed until further notice. Recreational Open Gym: Closed until further notice.

U.G.I. Calendar

GYM CLOSINGS: The following is a list of days the gym will be closed. Classes are prorated accordingly. ● Easter Sunday ● Memorial Day ● 4 th of July August 17- 24, 2025 for cleaning ● Labor Day ● Thanksgiving Day ● December 24/25/26 ● December 31 & January 1


TUITION & FEES INFO MEMBERSHIP FEES: These fees go toward liability insurance for each student, materials the staff use during activities, and any training staff attend. They are built into the tuition instead of charging a separate fee. TUITION: Families with more than one enrollment will receive a 10% discount on all tuition except for the highest. Tuition is based on 4 weeks in a month and will be processed through automatic withdrawal on the 25th of every month for the following month. o It will remain constant unless there is a blackout date for a scheduled closure within the month for classes, in which tuition is automatically prorated. If on a team, closure blackout dates are already built into tuition and will not be prorated. o If you would like to pay by an alternate method other than the card listed on your portal, please pay BEFORE the 25th. If there is not a payment already applied by then, the default card on file will be run as scheduled. UNIFORM/ATTIRE Preschoolers, Tumbling, Boys Rec: Athletic attire that allows maximum movement. No zippers, buckles, or snaps. Team and Rec Class (Girls): Leotard & optional athletic shorts for classes. Additional: Hair up, bare feet, and no jewelry except for one set of post earrings. ADDITIONAL CLASS RULES If a parent chooses to observe, they must quietly sit in the upstairs viewing area or in the back gym viewing area. No food or gum in the gym area. Please have children use the restroom before class begins. Students may bring a non-glass water bottle. MAKE-UP POLICY FOR CLASSES Make-ups are a courtesy and are not guaranteed. A request to schedule a make-up will be honored if there's room in a class and it is within a month of the absence. You may have a max of 1 make-up a month per enrollment. We also appreciate knowing if you know ahead of time your child will be absent so we may open the spot for other make-ups. You can add future absences in the portal or by contacting the office. DROP PROCEDURE If you would like to discontinue classes, please use the CUSTOMER PORTAL to “drop” your child BY THE 15th in order to not be charged for the upcoming month’s tuition. No reimbursement is given for the most recent tuition paid, as this held a spot for another potential student. If you plan to take time off but would still like the same spot in class, you have the option to continue payment in full or drop with the hopes of procuring the same spot in class later. ARRIVAL AND PICKUP Try to make sure your student arrives 5 minutes before his/her scheduled class time. Flip*Stars Recreational students (except Tumbling) are to meet in the Back Gym and wait for their instructor before going out onto the floor. Tumbling students meet in the Main Gym on the white chairs lining the wall to the left of the gym door. Gym*Stars Preschool students should go upstairs and wait in the viewing area for the instructor. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building. You should escort them from the building to your car. Please drive slowly and carefully through the parking lot and watch out for pedestrians. Do not take a chance on your student running to and from your car. VIEWING AREA POLICY No horsing around or being loud. This is not only a safety issue, but a common courtesy issue. Please use Spot TV (search for the app in the app store) as an alternative way to view class if the viewing area is full. No photos or videos of anyone are allowed. Please take your belongings with you if you leave the viewing area. WEATHER/CLASS CANCELLATIONS Occasionally, UGI may need to cancel classes due to outside factors. In these cases, the homepage of the website will be updated. We will also notify you by phone and/or email. An alternate “make-up” plan will be scheduled. WEAPON POLICY This is a preemptive reminder to all who enter our facility regarding a safety measure we have in place: No weapons are allowed. We wish to highlight this due to Ohio recently passing a law allowing a person 21 years and over to carry a concealed gun without a license. However, what some may not know is private businesses supersede that law while you are on the property---if there is signage stating so. It is the person’s responsibility to look for this signage. There has always been signage on the front and back entrances stating no weapons of any kind. This regulation is to be followed by all who enter, including persons with a concealed carry license (excluding police officers and other law enforcement).

U.G.I. Charitable Donations

Hollyfest Scholarship Auction Nationwide Children’s Ridgewood Elementary School Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Hilliard Crossing Elementary School American Red Cross Alton Darby Elementary School Ohio Wildlife Center Britton Elementary School Columbus Humane Beacon Elementary School Hilliard Area Chamber of Commerce Burbank Early Childhoo School Northwest Counseling Services Our Lady of Victory Festival The Wellington School Northwest United Methodist Church Hoffman Trails Elementary School Tremont Elementary Mrs. Sparkles Kids' Club
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2881 Scioto-Darby Executive Court ~ Hilliard, OH 43026 ~ ph: 614-777-9430
© Universal Gymnasts, Inc. 2025

UGI Purpose

Our goal at Universal Gymnasts, Inc. is to develop each individual’s potential in a safe and enjoyable atmosphere. Using specific progressions and a highly trained staff, each child will learn the correct fundamental and basic skills. This will equip him/her with the knowledge and ability to progress to whatever level he/she aspires to achieve. As Safety Certified Instructors/Coaches, we will use our knowledge and expertise to help each child gain greater self-confidence and a more positive self-image.

U.G.I. Provides

USA Gymnastics Safety Certified Staff. Safe Sport Certified Background checks on all staff. Directors certified by the American Heart Association in CPR. Safe, conservatively run facility for your child. Convenient times for all levels! Observation in air-conditioned 2nd Floor. Preschool Open Gym: Closed until further notice. Recreational Open Gym: Closed until further notice.

U.G.I. Calendar

GYM CLOSINGS: The following is a list of days the gym will be closed. Classes are prorated accordingly. ● Easter Sunday ● Memorial Day ● 4 th of July August 17- 24, 2025 for cleaning ● Labor Day ● Thanksgiving Day ● December 24/25/26 ● December 31 & January 1


TUITION & FEES INFO MEMBERSHIP FEES: These fees go toward liability insurance for each student, materials the staff use during activities, and any training staff attend. They are built into the tuition instead of charging a separate fee. TUITION: Families with more than one enrollment will receive a 10% discount on all tuition except for the highest. Tuition is based on 4 weeks in a month and will be processed through automatic withdrawal on the 25th of every month for the following month. o It will remain constant unless there is a blackout date for a scheduled closure within the month for classes, in which tuition is automatically prorated. If on a team, closure blackout dates are already built into tuition and will not be prorated. o If you would like to pay by an alternate method other than the card listed on your portal, please pay BEFORE the 25th. If there is not a payment already applied by then, the default card on file will be run as scheduled. UNIFORM/ATTIRE Preschoolers, Tumbling, Boys Rec: Athletic attire that allows maximum movement. No zippers, buckles, or snaps. Team and Rec Class (Girls): Leotard & optional athletic shorts for classes. Additional: Hair up, bare feet, and no jewelry except for one set of post earrings. ADDITIONAL CLASS RULES If a parent chooses to observe, they must quietly sit in the upstairs viewing area or in the back gym viewing area. No food or gum in the gym area. Please have children use the restroom before class begins. Students may bring a non-glass water bottle. MAKE-UP POLICY FOR CLASSES Make-ups are a courtesy and are not guaranteed. A request to schedule a make-up will be honored if there's room in a class and it is within a month of the absence. You may have a max of 1 make-up a month per enrollment. We also appreciate knowing if you know ahead of time your child will be absent so we may open the spot for other make-ups. You can add future absences in the portal or by contacting the office. DROP PROCEDURE If you would like to discontinue classes, please use the CUSTOMER PORTAL to “drop” your child BY THE 15th in order to not be charged for the upcoming month’s tuition. No reimbursement is given for the most recent tuition paid, as this held a spot for another potential student. If you plan to take time off but would still like the same spot in class, you have the option to continue payment in full or drop with the hopes of procuring the same spot in class later. ARRIVAL AND PICKUP Try to make sure your student arrives 5 minutes before his/her scheduled class time. Flip*Stars Recreational students (except Tumbling) are to meet in the Back Gym and wait for their instructor before going out onto the floor. Tumbling students meet in the Main Gym on the white chairs lining the wall to the left of the gym door. Gym*Stars Preschool students should go upstairs and wait in the viewing area for the instructor. Please pick up your student on time. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building. You should escort them from the building to your car. Please drive slowly and carefully through the parking lot and watch out for pedestrians. Do not take a chance on your student running to and from your car. VIEWING AREA POLICY No horsing around or being loud. This is not only a safety issue, but a common courtesy issue. Please use Spot TV (search for the app in the app store) as an alternative way to view class if the viewing area is full. No photos or videos of anyone are allowed. Please take your belongings with you if you leave the viewing area. WEATHER/CLASS CANCELLATIONS Occasionally, UGI may need to cancel classes due to outside factors. In these cases, the homepage of the website will be updated. We will also notify you by phone and/or email. An alternate “make-up” plan will be scheduled. WEAPON POLICY This is a preemptive reminder to all who enter our facility regarding a safety measure we have in place: No weapons are allowed. We wish to highlight this due to Ohio recently passing a law allowing a person 21 years and over to carry a concealed gun without a license. However, what some may not know is private businesses supersede that law while you are on the property---if there is signage stating so. It is the person’s responsibility to look for this signage. There has always been signage on the front and back entrances stating no weapons of any kind. This regulation is to be followed by all who enter, including persons with a concealed carry license (excluding police officers and other law enforcement).

U.G.I. Charitable Donations

Hollyfest Scholarship Auction Nationwide Children’s Ridgewood Elementary School Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Hilliard Crossing Elementary School American Red Cross Alton Darby Elementary School Ohio Wildlife Center Britton Elementary School Columbus Humane Beacon Elementary School Hilliard Area Chamber of Commerce Burbank Early Childhoo School Northwest Counseling Services Our Lady of Victory Festival The Wellington School Northwest United Methodist Church Hoffman Trails Elementary School Tremont Elementary Mrs. Sparkles Kids' Club
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2881 Scioto-Darby Executive Court ~ Hilliard, OH 43026 ~ ph: 614-777-9430