© Universal Gymnasts, Inc. 2025

UGI procedures

If you or your child does not feel well in any way, do not come to the gym. Please stay home until symptoms have gone. Students three years and older have the option to wear a mask. Please use restroom and wash hands before arriving at UGI. Only one parent or individual will be allowed to enter the building with their child. Please enter building no more than five minutes prior to class. Please arrive on time for pick up. We do not want kids congregating at the front door. We will not offer Open Gym or Birthday Parties for the foreseeable future. Make-ups for a missed class is now allowed within the session. Facility: Facility is professionally cleaned and disinfected nightly. We have air purifiers in the viewing area, preschool room and secretary office. Main gym doors will remain open; weather permitting, to help air flow. We will continue the 15 person maximum for upstairs viewing. SpotTV viewing will allow parents to watch from home or in their cars. Once the viewing areas are at capacity, parents will have to watch using the streaming video or wait outside for a spot to open. More details for on-line viewing is on our website. Hand Sanitizing Stations are installed in all areas of the facility and our students will have regular opportunities to use them. There will be no pro shop available until further notice. For the convenience of our gymnasts, grips and accessories will still be available to purchase. Office: A plexiglass barrier is in place at the office counter. You will be able to pay over the phone, online, or at the client pin pad at the desk. If you are in the class program, please call the office before paying to ensure proper placement in the program.
2881 Scioto-Darby Executive Court ~ Hilliard, OH 43026 ~ ph: 614-777-9430
UGI COVID Policies The CDC's new isolation recommendations for those who test positive for COVID-19 are: If asymptomatic after five days, they can leave isolation and then wear a mask for another five days. If they still have a fever after five days, they should continue isolation until the fever goes away. The CDC's new quarantine recommendations for those exposed to COVID-19 are: Unvaccinated people or those who are more than six months out from their last shot and not yet boosted, quarantine for five days and then follow strict mask use for an additional five days. People who have received a booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure but should wear a mask for 10 days. Everyone exposed should get a COVID-19 test five days after exposure. UGI will follow this CDC exception for close contact while we continue to require masks while in the facility. Exception: In the K–12 indoor classroom setting or a structured outdoor setting where mask use can be observed (i.e., holding class outdoors with educator supervision), the close contact definition excludes students who were between 3 to 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory- confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time.
© Universal Gymnasts, Inc. 2025

UGI procedures

If you or your child does not feel well in any way, do not come to the gym. Please stay home until symptoms have gone. Students three years and older have the option to wear a mask. Please use restroom and wash hands before arriving at UGI. Only one parent or individual will be allowed to enter the building with their child. Please enter building no more than five minutes prior to class. Please arrive on time for pick up. We do not want kids congregating at the front door. We will not offer Open Gym or Birthday Parties for the foreseeable future. Make-ups for a missed class is now allowed within the sessioin. Facility: Facility is professionally cleaned and disinfected nightly. We have air purifiers in the viewing area, preschool room and secretary office. Main gym doors will remain open; weather permitting, to help air flow. We will continue the 15 person maximum for upstairs viewing. SpotTViewing will allow parents to watch from home or in their cars. Once the viewing areas are at capacity, parents will have to watch using the streaming video or wait outside for a spot to open. More details for on-line viewing is on our website. Hand Sanitizing Stations are installed in all areas of the facility and our students will have regular opportunities to use them. There will be no pro shop available until further notice. For the convenience of our gymnasts, grips and accessories will still be available to purchase. Office: A plexiglass barrier is in place at the office counter. You will be able to pay over the phone, online, or at the client pin pad at the desk. If you are in the class program, please call the office before paying to ensure proper placement in the program.
2881 Scioto-Darby Executive Court ~ Hilliard, OH 43026 ~ ph: 614-777-9430
UGI COVID Policies The CDC's new isolation recommendations for those who test positive for COVID-19 are: If asymptomatic after five days, they can leave isolation and then wear a mask for another five days. If they still have a fever after five days, they should continue isolation until the fever goes away. The CDC's new quarantine recommendations for those exposed to COVID-19 are: Unvaccinated people or those who are more than six months out from their last shot and not yet boosted, quarantine for five days and then follow strict mask use for an additional five days. People who have received a booster shot do not need to quarantine following an exposure but should wear a mask for 10 days. Everyone exposed should get a COVID-19 test five days after exposure. UGI will follow this CDC exception for close contact while we continue to require masks while in the facility. Exception: In the K–12 indoor classroom setting or a structured outdoor setting where mask use can be observed (i.e., holding class outdoors with educator supervision), the close contact definition excludes students who were between 3 to 6 feet of an infected student (laboratory-confirmed or a clinical diagnosis) if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time.